Category Archives: Announcement

Great Times at Lion’s Park!

SABA had a great day today at Lion’s Park celebrating Canada Day! We hope you had a chance to make it out and try our two skills challenges! We met a lot of great people and got a lot of really great sunburns! Thanks everyone that helped us put on this great event. We couldn’t have done it without you!

See you at the next group ride!

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First Week Excitement!

The St. Albert Bike Association officially opened it’s doors at the end of May, and hosted it’s first group ride on Thursday May 30. Despite a distinct threat of rain in the air we had a fantastic first turnout! All told we had 22 riders come out and based on an impromptu poll, everyone had a great time!

We’re looking forward to growing our membership and getting more and more riders out to our events! Keep an eye on this page, and be sure to like our Facebook page to stay in the loop with all of our upcoming rides and events!

Hello St. Albert!

Welcome to the home of the St. Albert Bike Association!  We are a newly formed  club, created by cyclists for cyclists.  Our goal is to bring awareness to the community for all the great cycling opportunities we have in our great city!

We’re looking forward to working with all the great riders we have in St. Albert to build up the biggest and best community cycling page on the net!  Stay tuned as we keep tweaking and working on our site!